Sunday, September 5, 2010
gian skate...
salam pose dan bakal eid pada kamu,kamu dan kamu semua..(ayt bdak nh lg..pemes tol)pada hari,saya dgn tade kejenye nak melalut ttg skate..alaa..skate..
haaa....tmpt ini laa yg saya maksodkan itu...
fes time maen skate,perghh..aku igt aku dah menghidapi penyaket skatophobia..memg dasat..bersama dgn anan,epa n kezennye,dyana yaakob,eton n sorg mamat yg memg ......... benama akmal azmi...
dorg nh wat aku fobiaa!!(hahaha..tadelaa)
fes2 tuh,stat men tuh,memg aku kaku kat dinding skate slame 1/2 jam..siyes..aku cek agi jam aku..aku ade la wat attempt nak jln sket,nk bg owg lalu..siyes aa..seksa tol..dgn tgk hanan serta kwnnye akmal tuh slambe skate dpn kitorg yg x reti skate nh(epa,aku,eton n dyana) memboowat kn aku rse nak blg kasot skate kat dorg..(hahah..hiperbola jee)
pastuh,bleh laa jln kat ice skate tuh memegg dndg nye(jalan!!bkn skate!!) beserta anan mengaja aku..memg aku rse baru setaon je umo aku,men tateh2 agi..
dlm 1/2 jam agi tuh,aku leh laa jejln sensowg kat tga2 skate tuh dgn lembabnye(jln je..)owg len da leh skate daa..tapi yg satu aku x puh hati tol..kwn anan tuh..die ske gile tolak owg..dah le aku nh terkangkang2,dgn sedikit pergerakn shj membwatkn aku KEDEBUK!! dgn sengnye..haa..die tolak pon,die jatoh skalik!!apa punye mamat daa..
so,kengn fes skate aku memg fobia abes aa..aku da kire,aku jatoh lebh dr 10 kali,tp x seterok eton yg ak pasti,timbullah due kesan lebm yg besar cantik je menghiasi kedua2 lutut aku..hahaha..lawak tol...
itu kengn aku tersgtlaa fobia berskate nh..takot woo...
smpilaa aku masok intec, n kebetolannye masok meg 7 yg gile2 nh..
so,idea maen skate tuh adelah slh stu idea gile dorg2 nh laa..aku dgn pants membntah!!no skate ever in ma life again!!haha ..poyo jee..tapi,setelah dipujuk oleh beberape bdak klas aku,tmbah ngn si nawer dok tyg betape hebatnye die skate,caampor ade diskaun..aku pon relaa diriku di'jatuh'kan skalik agi...
skali men skate ngn bebdak meg 7,pehh..taya ckp la..ta penah aku nmpk agi org plg semgt dlm idop aku..hahaha..lg2 kerol,bush,n ganu..pehh..fes time skate,dlm bape minit je trus leh wat spinning?hebat tol korg(nawer x temasok..buuu)..tapi jenol n talhah mcm tu je laa..hahaha...kalo hayan poyo ngn brake die je..
kalo koyah n kela,klaka laa plak..same je ngn aku tak gerak2!!situ je laa..muna n jiak aa plg poyo mennye!!buuuuu..hahaha..ibah?hahhahaha..hahaha..mampuu glak je laa..ngee..dok tgh2 tu,pastu men..comel laa ibah..atol n kinah lak maleh!!bknnye nak men!!seb bek gak sebb dorg laa tukang tgkp gamba.haha
yg plg lawoknye,ade part kitorg kumpol tga2 pdg ice skate n joget sesame mengikot rentak lagu...mase tuh,nak je jert"lihat laa dunia!!"hahaha..lawak aa korg.. skate nh memg bess..kalo ko reti men..hahaha..kalo x x bes laa..jatoh kedebuk laa..fes time x bes sebb x reti,seken time bes sebb da reti..dn bgitulaaa strusnye..n thanx gak kat kamu,kamu dn kamu semua(ceh,lg skalik) sebb aja sy men skate..(nama2 kat ats tuh)..
(tade gamba aa meg7,sape sowh x upload?haha)
jadik?pe agi!!jom aa skate!!(aku nak gi sunway selase ni,7/9 ngan kekwn aku,ati puspa,nurul nadiah,yana farhah,hisyammuddin,hasif n dana...sape nak ikot??hehehhe)
Posted by reramai at 4:28 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 29, 2010
masa tok membuat essays yg panjang....
di hening pg kol 2 ni ttbe rasa bosan la plak...
walopon malam masih mude tp xde aktiviti la plak nak wat...
da boring2 teringat la plak ad tempat nak membuat diari yg da lame xbkak2...hehehee
sbnornye nak cite betapa diriku bosan hidop di universiti...
kwn??? ramai je....
balak????? bertepah2 je yg ensem....
bfff???? banyak yg nak isi borang...
masih tak sama ngan member dlu...
esp LEGEND!!!!
rindu ah korang....
kat cni blek ad 3 org je...blek2 lain sume wat nongong je klu jmp...jrn sebelah pon xtau nme...
nak tgor aptah ag....
klu kat skolah dlu, leh leh lepak ramai2...gelak sesme....mkn sesme...bongkang sesme...
kt cni,,,, sume wat hal msg2...mkn pon xajk..*tu penting tu* hahahaaaa
ap ag ekkk,,, hehe...
haa...pas ni, bebdk fly da nak terbang...
hehehe...xde la ramai pon kwn RAPAT yg fly tp pas ni da xdpt jmp...
yg dok kat m'sia pon sbnornye da ssh nak jmp...
(bangga pon ad sbb ad kwn kat obersea)
nak jmp pon payah nak jmp sume...
sume da tercmpak seluruh alam...
..........haisshhhh!!! ssh tol nak kumpol.... ag x ah nak tulih nie...keke...
ad byk ag yg terpendam kat ati xleh tleh...
*****my teen life is the most precious thing i ever have....
>>>>>thanx to ALL my fren...
>>>>>love you all so much....and also memory langgar praturan sesme, nek pents ssme,
kantoi sesme....and ssme kne pggl ngn cgu ayu...
......ADIOS AMIGO....
Posted by reramai at 2:40 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 28, 2010
INTEC..(meg 7 sajja!!haha)
salam pada semua..salam satu mesia ya..waaaa..lame kowt x nh pn da berabuk,tarak sapa nak edit..hahaha..klaa,disebbkn aku bru je mengabeskan sesi 4 bulan prep aku kat sebuah intitusi yg dinamakn INTEC,jadiii..marilah kte berkenal-kenaln ngn intec nh ape yaa....
senonye,aku x nak cte psl intec pon..aku nak cte psl bebdak klas aku je..hahahaha...pd bln 4,hari bln dan jamnya tidk diketahui asalnye,aku menjejakkn kaki ku yg berkasutkn wedges hadiah pembelian kakakku sempena spm ke dlm kelas yg dinamakn meg7..sungguh,pertama kali masok,impression fes aku,"bebdak nh pehal awal sgt masok klas?tertekan aku dibwatnye"...disebbkn aku masok ikot pintu blakang,yg aku nmpk meja diblakang suda bercop dgn beg2 'balatong' nye..kat depn plak sume pompuan yg sunyi sepi(ok,not really)..seken impression aku: dimanakah kejantanan lelaki melayu skang?dr skola menenga smpi laa ke u,mnjg je laki dok blakang..tara gne tol..
jadi aku dok laa tetenga klas tu,bersebelahan dgn seseorg gadis(buuuuu) yg pertama kali aku jmpe waktu daftar aritu iaitu zahratul muna alhany..die nh memula jmpe,da taw bleh ngam da..sebb?hahaha..dalam ayat sopnnye,peramah..ayat kureng sket,becok!!hahahaha..seblah kanan aku lak siti nabilah yg agak pendiam.turns out abes 4 buln ngn die,ceh,2 x 5 je ngn aku..hahahaha..seblah si bella lak,nurul najihah(jiak) yg aku dpt rasekn aura kekedahan die..hahaha..tapi jiak,aku serius ske loghat kodah!!hahaha
n then bermula laa pershbtn kitorg(borak sket je pon)..after one klas,ade satu lect nh sowh lantk satu ktua..aku ingt agi,sme wat bodo je psl tuh..yg si pompuan x nak ckp ngn laki,dn begitu laa sebaleknye..aku da pikir da"ni mcm balek kat keadaan smap je..susa2" aku dgn suara dominasi(bak kate mojojojo n albino laa)aku nh,mncdgkn agar lntik ktua antr laki wat bodo je..ase nak campak dlm tong smph pon ade dorg nh..
so,at fes,memg aku x ske pon klas aku nh..dh laa tade sekor pon bdak smap,klas seken lak dlm list meg..ape aku nh bodow ka?lg2 ngan pompuan ske wat geng awe2,ngn x de kejesama nyee..memg aku rse akn merana dlm 4 bln nti..hipotesis aku laa(mcm ust zul lak..berhipotesis nh)
but then..our frenship stat to grow..where shuld i stat?ngn ketua laa fes,aku igt die nh pendiam je..tunduk zuhud abes!mse pekenlkan nama lg aa..igt agi ayt die."nama ana thalhah alkhair bn ismail"(sile serta kn makhraj plg pekat yg palg anda mampu ye)..hahha..sebb tuh laa bebdak nh lantik jdk die nh memg berwibawa..bagos aa..wat keje ngn bagosnyee(maksodnye die laa yg wat keje sensorg,tadak sapa tolon..sket2 laa)..nak knal die?tgk die belakon..hahahaha..bleh meng kot grammy award..neway,thanx sebb blanje makan kfc ye talhah!
satu perenggn tok ketua sje..menunjukkn aku sgt menghargai seorg ketua..hahaha..hmm..nak knalkn korg ngn sowg nih..nama die cukop pemes di klgn mulot sume org,terutamanye laki..disebbkn beliau nh matured(siyes taw!!die yg ckp..)hahaha..nama die nusaibah..ibah2..haha..lagu feberet die? korg pikir laa die nh matured ke x..diseblah die?nur hanisah..@lek2..bdak plg sempoi aku pena nmpk..memg lawak aa kalo ckp ngn die..
dl kan..ade laa sorg mamat nh..memg mke pendiam laa..nmpak gaya pon innocent je..igt kan ade laa bdak baek(kot)kat klas nh..maka ak pon menadah tgn kesyukurn..dl laa..lame2,rupe2nye..isk2..muhammad hayyan afiq tdak lah sprti mn yg aku sgka..dah laa albino!(bls balek ko kutuk sore ak).memg kuat mengusik n menipoo tol die nh..seb bek aku bkn maruko..pastuh kne skandal by ust lak tuh..haru2..ade sorg kat klas ak lak..die tuh new MJ generation kott..hahaha..amirul izan..igt nama nih!!kalo nak wat show pape,ajak je die..kompom nak..nak ckp je..yg keempat2 bdak aku sebot nh(dua kat atas),dorg bdak kisas..KISAS tuhh..hahahha
kalo dl laa aku dipanggil mak oleh bebdak extrovert,kat klas meg7 ade gak seorg 'mak'..nama beliau nur khalilah....tapi siyes aa,aku kalah dgn ke'mak'an die..degn sore keibuan die..perghh..teng je dgr..ngeee..puji lelebey lak..hahaha..len lak ngn cik farhana kite..sore manja(ayt talhah)..hahaha..fes time tgk die..ngeee..takott..garang kot..still rse same je gegile..lg2 korea!!hehehhe..hi 5!!
nak cte laa dua org mamat,dorg nye perangai sebijik mcm adek2 aku,yob n aish...sorg busyoiri...die nh.. awe2 memg rse nak lari je die..ngn muke berkerut n garangnye..hahhaa..satu agi kureng ble nak wat drama arb,agak terharu laa yg die nh sumbg idea..walaweii..igt agi skil skating die..ngeee..bush2..sorg lg name da nak sme ngn aku..zainol izudin..jenol!!hahah..asal owg sebot nama die,aku toleh..asal owg sebot nm aku,die toleh..las2 kitowg mls nak toleh dah sesape pon yg pggl nama kitowg..die nh lawak je lebey,n kalo tipu boleh jdk benar sebb keseriusan mke die tatkala menipu..hahha
nak cte psl shopping,dua minah nh memg fanatik tentang subjek ini..hahahaha..rabiatul adawiyah ngn nurul sakinah..dua org nh kalo x dikelihatan bersama memg pelik ibni ajaib laaa..hahaha..kalo atul,ske dijadikn rujukan semue 0rg..hahaha..kalo die da stat maen fb,maksodnye die daa abes blaja laa tuh..hahaha..ngn kina dgn adhd die..hehehhe..bley jdk bff of da year laa korg
ckp psl bes fren nh,dua org mamat nh tade laa bes fren pon,tapi ble dorg bersama je,mesti ade je perkara yg plik atr dorg due nh..hahahha..sorg nh,khairul adli..die mmg pelik pon..hahaha.. die kot laki plg menonjol kat klas fes2 klas..kot laa..hehehe..bes jdk assistant die dlm drama,sebb die nh jns dga kata..mesti mak die bhgia ngndungkn die,aitcehhh..sorg agi munawir hassan..tataw nak ckp pe die nh..hahahha..bajet pro men skate,bajet pro pd segalanye..(exaggerate terlebey lak)..yg plg x th dl loghat kelate die ..memg lawokk..satu agi..laki yg da bape kali rejek aku..isk2...nawer da patahkn ati aku slalu..hahaha
jgn ckp meg 7 nh gila2 je,ade gak yg lembut..tgk atikah muda!!sentiase lembut dn sopan x kire di mana jua..juge kepade mok timoh(fatimah azzahara)..memang mu ni hebak btol la jadik mak alfateh!!hahahhaa..tapi dorg nh laa jdk pedoman kepada wanita2 meg 7 yg mahu menjadi sopan dn ayu otak gile same je..hahaha
lagi..adek klas meg 7..mohd alif!!alip2..hahahaha..memg trase adek habesss...dgn perangai die..igt lg mase coach die jdk announcer time drama arb..lawok laa..ana aizz halib!!hehehhe..comel2..hahaha..trase laa plak kang si alip nh...sowg lg sape ekk..oh,kalo bkn al fateh,sape lagi? muhamad syafiq nh..die nh memg aa..kalo x knal die,memg rse..eiiiiiii..hahahaha..tapi lakonan arb die,peh..cair kot..hahhaa..wassim2!!hehehe..
kalo nur fazreena lak,bdak nh pon gile gak..tapi agak pendiam laa..lawok teringtkan die jdk mak tiri senget faz nih,kwn kwn skola rndh aku,ape2 aku x pueh ati psl die,msti aku cte kat faz..kan faz?kalo ruqayyah lak..adoii..tataw nak ckp psl ape die nh..hahaha..fes psl garsuunah..pastuh garsuunah lah selama2nye..hahahha..kaya2..tape kaya,sentiase ceria selalu,bak kate kerol..idop hwang tae kyung!!hhahahaha
so,begitulah kesah meg7 sekalian..syg gile kot dorg..sebb fes jmpe klas yg bg kejasama laki n pompuannye..sggh terharu laa..lg2 dlm drama arab,bab2 jejalan g sunway ke,memane ke..n trademark kitorg?JANGAN LEPASKAN PELUANG DI DEPAN KAMERA!!hahahaha..sekian..bahibukuu moot abadan abada!!!
Posted by reramai at 2:03 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
~~fasting mo0d..
Posted by reramai at 11:04 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
tiade tajuk...
Posted by reramai at 6:29 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 15, 2010
yeaahh..1 malaysia wuuu
assalamualaikummmmmm ya gamaah!!!izayyuku?kuwaisa?hahahhahahaha...mcm nak gilo hehapal arab mesr nh..serius tgg terbalik dr arab standard..well..doesn't stop me to post samting in this blog!!
well,act tade pape pon nak ckp..cme gian nak tetaip nh..slps blog memalukn yg aku pos las time..yg nh aku nk tules psl surroundg aku(aku sure rmi daa tawu aku lee yg tuleh blog tuh..hampeh!!wat malu eden jeeee)
hmm..da 3 minggu daa berada kat intec..tah napa,walopon aku rse rmi gak aa bdak smap kat situ,tp aku still miss blaja da laen woo..arghh..rindu2!!tp kat sn aku x mo cte psl intec,kang terbongkar agi rhsia..awuuu..hahahhaha..yg nh aku nak cte psl rutin mingguan aku iaitu pegi gim!!hahhaa..walopon aku daa stat blaja blk,tp itu tdak bermakna aku akn miss nk pegi gim!!esp nak tgglkn mamat2 saleh yg ensem aja klas2 dancing tuh..perghh,,tak boleh tgglkn..hahhahaha..tade aa..
slaloonye ble aku gi gim,aku ikot klas je..ehh,bkn klas dance ye,skang nh aku daa tobat..aku daa x masok klas tuh..kekdg je..hahhaa..aku masok body sesapa yg fes timer tuh,ble masok,setgh jam je aku kompom kiok..even ada pkck yg bermusclle2 masok combat tuh fes time,lg semput dr aku ble wat combat tuh(aku daa pro..tade sempot2 daa..hahhaha)..besss..gile klua peloh aa..agipon aku sesgt nye kagom ngn tutor yg aja klas combat cina..bdn dia taya ckp aa..dia agak kurus,dan disebbkn kurus tu laa nmpk segala urat otot2 yg sggh perghh kalo tgk tu..serius aku tabik die..sebb?
byk lg klas combat yg org len style dia aja org plg ske laa..org2 yg boleh thn ngn kekuatan die..sebb dienye klas plg tough,plg sempot dan plg rase nak pengsn kalo habes klas..serius..aku ade bwk kwn aku sowg masok klas die,.tak smpi 15 mnt kwn aku klua tros klas tuh..x larat waa ckp lu..aku pon cmtu laa dl..setgh jam je pensang trus..x skang nh aku ley thn agi...aku kagoomm ngn dia!!aku tade gamba laa nak tjk..walopon die tak laa sehensem mamat saleh yg lg berotot dr die,tp dia laa tutor yg plg aku ske..ske2!!hahahha
nak dibwatkn aku masok laa klas combat die..seblom tuh aku masok klas cycling..dia pon jdk tutor cycling gak!!hebat x?berturut2!!(kalo korg nak taw,cycling jugak laa klas yg sempot jugak kalo nk athlete je masok bnda nh..aku masok 50% laa ikot tutor..yg baki2 tuh aku dok cycle ikot sdap aku)..ble stat klas ,ade laa org india seblah die..dia mcm agak rpt laa ngn tutor cina aku nmpk,dorg bercombat smbl glak2 agi..kitorg yg blakang2 nh dia wat dono je..hahha..agak terase di stu,dah laa aku fan tutor cine tuh!!tp tak serius mcm situasi yg sgt bes tgk..diorg mcm nak lelumba tgk sape leh thn wat combat plg kuat n laju..opkos laa tutor tuh mng,yg india tuh cme pompuan yg x bedaya je.. rse bess je tgk dorg komunikasi..memg 1 msia btoi laa..
itu je nak tade keje mmg camtuh..ske cte tah pape kat blog..tu laa ..spe soh wujudkn blog nh?hahhaha...ok laaa...aku nak hapal blk anatomi tah pebende nh..aduyai..dah nak kne balaj pyh2..perghh..ini laa takdr idop aku..pasrah je laa..doakan aku ye kekwn!!nnti aku doakn korg sume jge..wawa..really miss u guys!!
Posted by reramai at 4:25 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
-for ELF esp efa.-
super junior is making a comeback!
and that my friend, is the sound of ELFs howling out of happiness…
Everybody’s making a comeback and so will SuperJunior! Rejoice but not to a full extend because the boys will be back as 10. The actor ,Ki-Bum; the plaintiff, Han-kyung and the offender enlistee,Kang-In, will not participate in this upcoming 4th album. Fans, we know you guys are unhappy about it but something is better than nothing right?
13th May will be the released date of their 4th full length album.
” The success of our 3rd album ‘Sorry Sorry’ gave us some pressure to do even better for the 4th album. But we will continue to do our best and hope that you’ll show us your support” revealed, SuperJunior.
Regarding the absence of 3 other members, “We hope the best for Kang-In who’s enlisting this year. And Ki-bum, we believe his talent in acting will shine even more this year.” Hankyung on the other hand, is no longer in contact with the rest of the members, at least for now.
“We are not in contact with Hankyung and it’s saddening. However, we’re praying for his return and hopefully we can be together again”
All the more you fans should support them, regardless of the hoohahs. Poor boys, they need the emotional support.
i luv their new looks anyway.but it looks and feels empty :(
some comments.
Chuu May 5, 2010 at 5:57 am
After I heard it I ended getting completely hooked on everything to do with Suju. EHB, Full House, Makings of, the Movie, Mystery Six, Adonis Camp, everything.
I remember thinking ‘Ah~ I can’t wait till they have a comeback!”
And then all of this happened.
Poor boys. They’ve all been saying over and over for years now ‘We’re 13, we’ll always be together! Nothing can pull us apart!’
But when something like this happens, it’s just too hard to hold together.
I know what SM did to Hannie was horrible, but is he really willing to leave his best friends/members/brothers for it all? Can’t he figure out some way to get it all back AND punish SM?
I don’t even think he’s trying at all… it doesn’t even seem like he cares about them anymore. It makes me sad cause Hannie is so sweet and caring, and he LOVES these boys to death. Hell they did so much for him, Heechul especially.
I just don’t get it..
The other 10 are probably really broken up over it. They probably feel helpless because there’s nothing they can do about it.
I hope this all gets fixed.
Don’t they all remember the good ol’ days when they were all together all the time?
They’ve all separated now it seems.
Even though there’s still ten of them I can’t help but feel like they’re all broken up.
I miss the days when nothing could separate them.
As for not being able to contact the others, I think it’s a legal thing. It’s like in any case, where all involved aren’t allowed contact because of potential tampering of the case. I’m sure Hankyung would love to talk with his members, but is legally unable to do so.
It all comes down to this: would you rather have Hankyung with Super Junior, healthy and happy or have him there tired, exhausted and sick all the time, because he wants to please everyone and/or management is forcing him to fulfill his contract?
Chuu May 5, 2010 at 11:43 am
It’s true. The way SM Entertainment treated Hankyung was unforgivable and cruel. He’s not a slave, he’s a human being. Not letting him rest, take days off, they wouldn’t even let him visit his PARENTS in China.
That’s just sick. They treated him like their puppet rather than an entertainer.
I hope even through all of this drama is going on he can atleased get some rest. Atleased if he is getting that I I’m sure the boys and fans will feel a little more relieved.
Hmm, I understand, they mustn’t be allowed to talk to him. That sucks, I’m sure all of them are dying to talk to him to see how he is doing and he is probably wanting the same thing.
It’s still so sad

I wonder if Super Junior will ever be the same again…
I hope that once this all gets cleared up they can go back to normal and maybe have a comeback with all 13 of them.
Although NOW there’s the Kangin problem, he will be missing for two years because of his enlistment for Military Service. However I am glad he is doing something that he believes will help him repent for his actions last September and October.
I wonder what’ll happen…
What do you think the chances of Hannie staying with Super Junior are? Maybe he can terminate this contract and make a new, more fair one?
Misa May 5, 2010 at 12:23 pm
Although I’m excited that their new album will be coming out soon, I’m a little sad that 3 will be missing. It’s not the same, but I’m sure the boys have worked hard and prepared for this!
ann May 5, 2010 at 12:52 pm
Posted by reramai at 11:45 PM 0 comments
warden oh warden~~~
hehehhe...klo aq ingt zmn sek msti aq ingt sal warden2 kat sek,.hahahhaha...laen org laen tanggapan, laen org laen pengalaman..cewah, smpat agi nk bpantun~~hahahahhaa....pntun pon x rase aq stat dknli oleh warden2 mase aq form 4..hahahaha..mcm2 crite..laen warden laen y aq kner..hahahhaha
1. ckgu halimah: pergh...nie ckgu y paling rajin..seyes r..mmg best r klo dmam sbb mesti dye caring abeh r..klo x der dye..rase ank tiri..x der sper peduli..cewah..hahahhahah....kat sek aq slaloo kne jerit ngan ckgu limah...sbb bangun lambat+siap lambat+x kemas katil+gelak2+memekak+maen lari2+melepak dpan koop+x gi mkn+tdow mnjang+tdow waktu gtong ryong+mkn kat blik stdy+sidai baju merate2..hahhahahha..ala..standard r kn..pnt menelaah ilmu..hahahha..bnyk lak alsan..hahahhaha..klo sper y agk2 nk jd prempuan r don ngan dye..pergh,,,mmg bagoss...kner ceramah free..hahahha..ckgu limah mmg prempuan sjati...ckgu limah mmg r rjin msak..seyes..rjin lak rjin skodeng kat tingkap dpor dye..hahahha....sori r ckgu saye mmg nakal~~hehehe
2.ckgu hasnizan: hhahhaha..ckgu nie mmg r ader aura y pon x taw knper... nk kate grang x lak, dye sempoi abeh..tapi..seyes..ckgu hasnizan nie mcm ader fenomena..asal turn dye jage jer..tpat jam 12..asrma sunyi sepi..seyes..klo kertas jatoh.satu asrma dngr...hahahhaa...kdng2 aq pon tgelak..sbb aq sndri x taw knper..asal dye jage pon tros diam..hahahahh..nk gi toilet brus gigi pon nk gi blik sper tah..skodeng kat tngkap..nak ngok ckgu aq ker selak r tingkap skit...tbe2..mcm dlm crite pontianak harum sundal malam lak..ckgu terpacak btol2 kat dpan tingkap y aq skodeng tu..pergh....mmg r..rase jntung nk jtoh..tkjot abeh aq...ahhahahha..lagu satu, ckhu hasnizan dye jln mmg r x dngr..rase cam trbng jer..hahhahaha...anyway..ckgu mmg superb r..ader aura...hahahhaha...mnyebabkn asrma mnjadi sunyi sepi + harmoni..hahhaha...dlu, time form 3, akak2 form4 dorng wat per.x psal2 sume dak dlm dorm tu kner dnde..nsb baek x kner angkat baldi ker per..kner wat karangn bper page x..hahahhaha..tjok "khidupan asrma"..hahahahaha....mmg best2..ayt mmg bunge abeh r..hahahha..x psal2 karngn tu tlah bjaye mnaik perhatian sume ckgu kat blik guru..bak kate org..pecah panggung r..hahahhahha
3. ckgu zainun...hahhahahah..nie pon diantare ckgu2 y sempoi pon slaloo kner attack ngan dye..dye sngt rajin tok tunggu dpan dorm aq..agar aq g prep..tunggu dpan toilet agar aq cpat2 mandi hahhahah..mmg best,,"cik akak oi, awal nyer mndi" "ala ckgu, pagi maseh mude" nga33..mmg kner r nagn ckgu..ske atie aq jer jwb..hahahhaha..time form try escape prep mlm..ala..dh akhir taon..exam pon dh abeh..bdan aq lak..sengal2 rase nyer nk gi prep..( bnyk tol..ckp jer la mls..haahahaa) pon dok la dlm dorm dlam gelap luper diri la plak y dorm aq sblah blik dye..hahahahhah...mmg r...dye akn ronda ker dorm pon..mrangkak gi ker blok B..hahaha..knn nyer nk lari..ckgu la rase taw aq x gi prep...hahah..dye gi blok B aq lari ker blok c...last2 stamina dh x gi r gak prep..wlaupon hanyer 5 ckgu zainun mmg sempoi~~ ader hal...nie je la y aq smpat tulih~~
Posted by reramai at 2:50 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 1, 2010
:: DBSK ::
awal kalam,secangkir senyuman dan jutaan trimas berry much ntok yg mengfollow :)) da brtmbh nmpknye :D
- 5 laki nsem kt bwh tuuh.
"WE R DBSK..!!" [kalo tgk kt TS poster yg approximately 15cm x 15cm yg ade signature dyorg rm 25 sebijik!] search kt tenet.print.abes jek.
td bru pas tgk history of legend TVXQ or sumting sounds lyke dat kt 8tv.dbsk nh mang ramai gler thp petala pminat dyorg.but im not really one of them.[mule2 laaa]sbb x tw ape yg bes dbsk nh.lagu yg rancak tp x msok ng jiwe.yg ballade tu telebeh lembek la puler.[kalo fans dyrg bce kompm kne blg ng sploh baldi telor busok.haha]
tp pas tgk show td..aiyoo.terpikat la plak.dyorg ad aura yg bessssss.series.BESSS..dlm show kt 8tv tuh dye gabongkan almost all konset dyorg eversince pglibatan awal dyorg dlm industri muzik kt korea.mcm SUJU tym konset dyrg aritu theme nye 'sapphire blue' tp DBSK plak mcm kaler merah je.sbb durg most konset fans akn light up fluorescent lamp kale merah harge 5 hengget dwet malaysia yg bleh dbeli b4 konset ke fluorescent?x lamp bese jek.kalo ad fans dbsk yg mmbce sory la kalo silap.i bru berjinak2 ng grup bnyk yg i tataw.huhu.yg laen2 tuh yg x knal ke hape nk taw lbeh2 pg search snirik.jgn berat bontot.[ps - i prefer kaler sapphire blue tw uu..auw~*gaye kpondanan* tbe2.]
ok.meh kter brkenalan ng all the 5 mmbers.jom2.
Birth name | Jung Yunho |
Also known as | 유노윤호, 瑜鹵允浩 (U-Know Yunho), ユンホ (Yunho) |
Born | February 6, 1986 (1986-02-06) (age 24), Gwangju, South Korea |
Genres | Pop, R&B |
Occupations | Singer, dancer, rapper, model, actor |
Years active | 2003-present |
Labels | SM Entertainment, Rhythm Zone |
Associated acts | SM Town, TVXQ |
hensem kannnnnnnnnn.kan?kan?kan?hoh.sploh kali kang ak typ kan tuh.haha.nh seken fveret i.dye jadi the one and only artist from asia yg perform tym konset tribute to MJ.[dlm hati :suke2..!] :)) oh!!dye jge laher bln FEB *0* xcited tgk org pop yg lahir bln feb.sush tuu nk crik.
Birth name | Han Jaejoong |
Also known as | 영웅재중, 英雄在中 (Youngwoong Jaejoong) , ジェジュン (Jejung) |
Born | January 26, 1986 (1986-01-26) (age 24), Gongju, Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea |
Genres | Pop, R&B |
Occupations | Singer, dancer, actor, composer, songwriter, model |
Years active | 2003-present |
Labels | SM Entertainment, Rhythm Zone |
Associated acts | SM Town, TVXQ |
abg comel2 kucing parsi nh plg rmi fans x slap.sbb plg hnsem.huhu.mle2 i ske dye ble tgk rmi sgt laa.lantas i brtukar taste.
Birth name | Kim Junsu |
Also known as | 시아준수, 細亞俊秀 (Xiah Junsu), ジュンス (Junsu) |
Born | December 15, 1986 (1986-12-15) (age 23), Gyeonggi-do, South Korea |
Genres | Pop, R&B |
Occupations | Singer, actor, model, songwriter, dancer, composer |
Years active | 2003-present |
Labels | SM Entertainment, Rhythm Zone |
Associated acts | SM Town, TVXQ, Anyband |
mr machooooos.
Birth name | Park Yoochun |
Also known as | 믹키유천, 秘奇有天 (Micky Yoochun), ユチョン (Yuchun) |
Born | June 4, 1986 (1986-06-04) (age 23), Seoul, South Korea |
Origin | Fairfax, Virginia, United States |
Genres | Pop, R&B |
Occupations | Singer, dancer, actor, songwriter, composer, rapper, model |
Years active | 2003-present |
Labels | SM Entertainment, Rhythm Zone |
Associated acts | SM Town, TVXQ |
:D [xde idea nk dscribe pe.haha]
ok.yg las nh yg spesel sket.i present uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.......................
Birth name | Shim Changmin | ||
Also known as | 최강창민, 最强昌珉 (Choikang Changmin), チャンミン (Changmin) | ||
Born | February 18, 1988 (1988-02-18) (age 22) | ||
Origin | Seoul, South Korea | ||
Genres | Pop, R&B | ||
Occupations | Singer, actor, model, songwriter, dancer, composer | ||
Years active | 2003-present | ||
Labels | SM Entertainment, Rhythm Zone | ||
Associated acts | TVXQ, SM Town |
auuw.tgk laa tuh nyah.comel btol!
max ^^
kacak.begaye.memukau jiwe.
yeaaahhhhh.will never ever forever forget uuuuuu tooooo :))
mke da mcm kucing ak yg ilang dulu kale.[pssstt....kucing tuh comel gler.x.bkn cumel.lawa gler.haha.ak rse klo trnsform mke dy jadik manusia sbjik cm dato siti.kcik2 dlu ak mnjg ulang2 ckp mke dy cm dato siti jek.huhu]
oh.i cant stopp.
kalo ad jual npon tuh kat malaysia ak org fes yg laa tu.
seken las.haha.
oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~"for the one i luv".oh.aku la ak tanak bge tuh max.ak nk kau.HAHA.
ohh.maken lme ko maken hnsem buat ak xleh stop menge paste muke lg-cumel-dr-kucg ko tu kt blog nt org ak STOP.huuh.keberatannn.:(.....................
ok.smpi d sini.act max nh g nsem life :D [at least i think sooooo :)]
post nh mgkn klihatan gatal.HAHAH.nk wt cmne.hnsem sgt laa nyahhhh.auuw~ buat i x tahan.HUHAHUAHAUAHA.
pasnh da x leh nk gatai2 lagi.i nk pay attention kt U.blajo btol2..i nk jadik bes student [insya allah kalo ad rjeki] nt dpt keje bess.gaji bsor ribu riban..nt boleh la i masok minang uuu max.HAHUAHUAHAUAAAHU. *mood gatal x sudah.*
rjen2 tgk la vids dyorg kt utube.bnyk yg bes.konset live pon mntopp abes.x larat nk paste vid2 tuh kt cni.
halwa mate ntok pmbace.
oh.suke gmb mreke brtshirt pteh di bwh.
.official website:
credits image search.
Posted by reramai at 5:54 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 25, 2010
aku dewasa?ARGGH,TIDAAKK!!!
ASSALAMUALAIKUM da bape kali post aku..yg pastinye sume yg ngengarot aa..niat aku bkn pe..nak lpaskn tensen dari diri aku..walopon org len mls nk baca akunye blog,aku ttp bhgia meluahkn isi hati perot jantong aku sebb aku nh jns taley pendm2..nk tuleh kat diari,ponek aa plak..bek aku sakit tgn menaip dr menulis..wakakakkaka..da2.. ngarot thp cipanzi nh..
wokey..time tok luahan hati ku yg gundah gulana ini..muangngenge..sejak aku klua dr smap nh..aku rase aku daa berubah sesgt..tah laa..maybe da x rase daa nk kekumpul rerami kat surau,mmbaca zikir2..sebb tanpa tuh kan,baru aku rase kosongnye hati aku tanpa benda2 mcm tuh..nauzubillah..aku x nak laa ckp yg apa aku wat kat smap tuh sebenonye ikot praturn..aku nak gak laa ikot pattern cm dl,godaan kat lua mmg byk..isk2..aku pon x terdaya nak thn sume..yaAllah..lindungi lah hambaMu ini..
byk sgt laa cite nak yg most recent aku tga tak sedp duduk nh adelh berkaitan dgn sowg laki..huhu..dl aku rase mls sggh nak pikir bab2 cintan kate,mase skola menengah tuh,tuh laa time plg hot nk berkapel..famili aku sume pelik n teruja tgk aku takde pakwe time aku skola menengah dl..even kakak aku yg aku consider plg alim pon ade pakwe time dia f5..aku?hoh!!wat lwk guling2 laa kalo even nk ckp ade pemint..aishh..bese yg plg x cun dlm kluarga..ape nak aku x kesa..sebb aku rse buang karen je kapel2 nh..mencacatkn memori skola menengah aa..sebb aku rse time itu adelh time bersuka ria dgn kwn2 without any worry about man..mase itulah kite ske enjoy gosip,boleh usha2 laki encem(gatai abes nnoh),taya nak kekaver sopan dpn laki yg kita kapel..i can be myself ade laa jeles sket tgk ade org disygi..eheh..malu aaa..hahahha..
so,ble daa klua smap nh,aku pon jaoh laa dr geng2 sekpale ngn aku..kembali pd kwn skola yg x beshnye..dorg sume daa kapel..mmbuatkn rse x seng ati muncul tetiba.hahahha..mase ni laa sume tanye..'tade pakwe ke?ishh..ta caya laa'..padehal aku taw dorg sebenonye nak ckp..'tade pakwe ke?kesian2..tak laku laa tuh..'..hoh..hape aku kesah..then aku pon secara bengong nye wat satu misi..aku kne gak crk sorg laki yg ley minat aku!!muahahahha..pastuh ade laa sorg kwn nh..meh laa aku namakn dia ali..aku tade laa jumpe dia pon..jus mesej kat hp je..tuh pon memlm..awal2 tuh aku igtkn nak abeskn kredit je,alih2 mesej2 kami semaken intim(wek2ptui!!!) dan jiwang aa gak..ehh..bkn mesej aku,mesej bliau...aku pon lyn laa laa..nak laa cube sket,bes ke rase ade org minat aku bajet laa ayt2 sopan dan manje..hahahha..
tapi maken hari,aku rase beban laa..dia mcm serius lak..aku nh dah laa xmatured,x reti hal2 cenggini..pastu aku rse bkn diri aku..aku bajet gle manis aa ayt kat mesej tuh,padeehal aku nak je ckp ayt kuang ajo kat situ..i mean,i cannot be myself..x ley lepak2..nak kene bajet lembut aa..mmbwatkn aku terpikir..kalo laa aku tjk belang aku dkat mamat nh,dia boleh ke nak kwn ngn diri aku sebenaq?diri aku yg gilo2 nh?susah laa plak bab2 cintan cintun nh..aku x pasti ape perasaan aku kat dia,tp aku nmpk dia sgt laa bersggh2..aku touched aa gak,tp aku rase x honest kat dia..aku keciankn dia sebenaqnye..aku nk dia knal aku,tp aku x reti nak bg hint..
satu lg hal,aku taley aa plak lupe psl crush aku kat skola..huk2..adelaa kan sape tuh..dia nh mmg laa diminati rmi..n aku maleh laa nk saing ngn fan2 kipassusahmati dia..tapi aku taley nk ilangkn prasaan suke aku kat dia agi..aitcehh..wawawa..aku nk je confess..waaa..bodot gle fkr cmtuh...mcm cite kat komik jepun ak..ley aku teringin nak sgt ckp..aku nk tgk reaksi dia..tekejut x tgk aku yg camni2 kpala dia..ade ske sama dia..wawa...walopon aku taw berploh2 surat cinta dia dpt dl,tp still aku rase nak pueh ati aku,ye dok?kannye nak arap dia bls kan,tp jus nak luah apo yg trpendm,aitceh skali lg..hahahhaa
so,kesimpuln yg aku dpt..aku rse aku nh kne matured aa..baru ley keep up bnda2 cmni..hahha..maybe org yg terajen abes yg tga bace post aku nh pikiak aku bajet,n hape aku kesah korg igt aku ape,tapi tulah yg aku rase...maybe ade certain org yg x ske ckp psl bnda2 cmni,sori aa..aku nak gak tules,bio bebn aku kureng sket..sowi aa...
aku nak bg satu latar blakang sorg pompuan nh..camne korg judge dia ek..pikir laa nh sesapa yg korg tak knal..
pompuan nh ade 4 kakak,3 adek laki..
4 kakak nh,pepandai sume,mnjdk kebanggaan mak n ayh...n idola pompuan nh gak
tp yg pasti,pompuan nh mmg len dr kakak2 dia...
kakak2 dia sume kata cun,tp dia sowg je yg tade rupa tuh..
kakak2 dia rmi peminat,dia plak sekor pon tadak..
disebbkn dia adelh ank bongsu pompuan,rmi lah peminat kakak2 dia kaco dia nak tnye psl akak2 dia...
dan mmbuatkn die rase org dtg kat die sebb kakak die je..
salh sorg dr kakak dia kate kat die,'ko laa carik pakwe..jgn laa memilih sgt'
mslhnye sorg pon tadak,ape yg nak pilih? sedey jee...ayt tu laa kot aku nk aku ta kesah..aku syukur ngn apa yg aku least aku pikir,bile aku gi obersea tade laa nak tertarik ngn aku,nak kekaco aku..mcm terjdk kat kakak aku kat yg x cun nh ade gak advantage..tade org nak kaco..aman idop..wawa
kesimpulannye(lagi skali),aku kena pull maself together,jgn jdk childish sgt n terima apa yg aku sebenanye..aku bersyukr mnjadik aku..TERIMA KASIH YA ALLAH!!
Posted by reramai at 12:14 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Posted by reramai at 12:58 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
ngeng abes...
Posted by reramai at 1:36 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 11, 2010
ok..arni aq nk cter sal kelas addmath cikgu H....hehhehe...wel..honestly to say..addmath aq agak horror r..coz aq x der la ske addmath..n x rjin pon wat latihn...tmbah2 lak...sir mok x pnah cek ( actually, pnah la gak dye sroh anta aq jer y x anto...hehehhe..sorri sir)...addmath aq klo fail tu bndey normal..klo dpt C aq rase cam dpt A+..hahhaha...alhamdulillah...spm dpt ok r...( walaupon graph least aq leh gak poyo ngan akak aq..hahahha)...ok..dssbkn addmth aq tlalo ''terer'' mngalahkn pon rase aq ptot amek la klass join r klass cikgu H...
cikgu H luar.bkn ckgu sek slaloo wat klass tmbhan kat sek aq...be4 nie mmg aq dngr mcm2 cter..dye ajo laju la..aper aq x kesah...dsbbkn addmath aq tlaloo ''terer'' redah jer..jnji aq leh la taw cner nk solve soklan addmath...
ok...klass pon stat la cam bese..dye ajo mmg ler ok leh redah lmer smkin plik...dye cam ader something taw...aritu, eton ader la nk ckp something kat aq x taw pon..eton bru jer nk tbe2, cikgu H tu nyampuk..''hah..nk wat per tu...ngumpat r tu''..seyes aq annoy giler time tu.eton punyer la tkejot.." cner dye leh taw" tros blank....
ok..agk dh lmer skit...rmai la gak mmber2 aq kuar dri klass tu...atas alsan..dye ajo laju..ok la..klo x leh nk phm wat per join agi, mncol la kes...ktrng lak kner cover duit yuran y dak2 kuar tu...WHAT!!!! aq xpham tol..dorng y kuar .kite lak y kner wat x taw jer..lntak r....pastu..dye asyik x nk dtg, pah, eton n others gi la call ckgu...be4 tu pah ader ajk aq call, tp dye lak mrah2 kitrng sbb x nk byor...pstu dye explain pon plik..mcm2 la nagrott....nk pnjam duit parents la...sroh tmba byor la..aper la....byr 300 t dpt blk 400 gelak jer klako jer...( aq maleh nk wat serious)...sok nyer aq ngan dak2 laen tu gi la call dsbbkn aq n pah rase suspicous ngan kate2 dye..ktrng pnjm r besta eton tok rkam aper jer dye ckp...nsb baek r call back..klo x ...abeh duit wat r plan ngan gune name pon ckp r ckgu ''saye saadah nie ckgu, kawan2 tnyer biler nk stat klass cikgu''...hahhaa..sorri r ckgu ktrng bonggak ...hahhaa...dsbbkn ayat2 dye kdang2 agk x mnjwab r..bkn ats dsar kuang ajo,, nk mnyenangkn keadaan...y aq skit atie tu...leh lak dye ngutuk aq...cess...mntang2 la aq nyamr gner name odah..hehhehe..x kn..waktu aq ngan pah bkn nyer dngr pon aper dye biar jer jaoh fon...hahhaha..
ok..agak lmer r ktrng call dye..slap, dye call pon pkir camner la nk stop kn dye nie..." erm..cikgu..k r...warden dtg r...".."tu la timing x btol...wardern la aper la"..ish..mrah lak dye...x puas nk ckp agi r tu...eton nyer besta dh abeh bateri nie....tlinge aq pon dh ''pns''...hehhhee.....
mlm tu..ktrng kumpol rmai2 kat blik stdy, pstu ktrng psang blk aper y ktrng rkam tu..n dak2 laen pon dngr...
''ish...mnde cikgu nie..ngaroot r...''
''ingt kite nie ank org kaye ker..''
''aq nk out la klass dye...ngarooot..''
''waa....bgos gak otak korng...siap gi rkam agi tu..''
nie la ..antare sore2 y b'bunyi time ktrng psang blk rkaman tu...since lps x pnah cayer pon kate2 dye...time cuti ader lak mmber2 y foward msj dri aq x ingt sngt pon msj ckp sal duit la..lps dpt msj tros delete rase cam ngaroot..maleh nk ingt...x der paper...lps jer blk kat sek..pergh..kecoh rupenyer bende jer ingt x der pape..mmber2 aq sume gtaw parents..parents aq x taw aper2...ats dsar kprihatinan, ader la mmber2 aq y kc dye pnjam nie x cyer sngt org luar y nk pnjm duit nie....ader lak..makhluk2 y ckp aq nie x der atie la, kras atie la, x prihatin la,x bprikmanusiaan la...eleh..sbo jer la...
last2...ckgu tu blar camtu jer..duit kmane...klass addmath ku ntah ker maner..ade lak org kate, dye bela toyol..ader mmber2 aq y leh ''rase'' bnde2 gtu..x taw la..pnah la gak wat xprimnt nk test btol nyer mnunjukkn result y +ve...ntah kdng2 x caye sngt bnde2 gnie...kesudahannyer..mmber2 aq sume kner tipoo...cian la gak..burn camtu jer duit aq nk buktikn kat makhluk y ngate aq tu..x sume org leh kite cyer dlm dunie nie..bnde nie bg pngajrn kat aq n mmber2 aq..dunie nie..ader mcm2 rupe mnuise...pngajarnnyer..dlm idop kite kner la bhati2..wlaopon rmbot smer hati ttp busaha dlm klass sir mok...tenkiu sir~~
Posted by reramai at 1:56 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 8, 2010
no status
ok2....lame x blogging..tetibe rse nak nyemakkan blog nih...bile ak bace blog nih..byk gak mereke2 y rajen
post...mule2 nak ucap tenkiu byk2 kepade y rjen share..sal pengalamn la..sal intebiu n mcm2 lg...ak nak
samb cite anan sal terjon longkang uh...alkisah sebenarnyer ak pon ad di tempat di tempat y
len...terSKEMA lak ayat nih..xpe2 praktis BM...pd hari tesebot...ak ngan nina n jee berade di kedai makcik
kat depan gate skola uh...kitorg ngah borong nasi lemak..sampai abes nasi lemak makcik tu...disebabkan
kite2 y mls nak bangon seawalnyer n g brekfes kat Dm..kedai nasi lemak makcik uh la y jd mngse..memang
sume taw la arini ad trip y nak g kenduri ust shida ramai la cegu2 ad kat skola...sblom kitrg kua
gate smap lg..da pk beratos kali...takot tesempak ngan cegu2 uh...kantoi abes la t...disebbkn lapo
teramat..ak ngan nina tros cross jln n g kedai makcik uh..mereke2 y nak g pelegong pon troskan niat
mereke..ak pon tggu ngan nina kat kedai makcik uh..ttibe jee datang..kitorg pon ngan slambe dok situ bce
paper..ttibe..ak nampak bas smap kua...n ak teringt kat dorg nih..ak pon cube contact otte or sape2 y
sepatotnyer..sume x angkat..mayb ter eksited lebey nak g sane..hahaha...ak ckp kat nina 'mang xdpt
diselamatkan'.. ak ngan nina lak wat2 bace paper smbil tutop mue..tkot tekantoi lak...paling lawak jee
ke dy ckp ngan pakcik uh ' tompang dapo jap ek'..lawak gile...dapo pon jadi..kat situ la kitorg
nmpk aksi terjon semak..sunggoh xsangke mereke terjon ke dlm seyes cuak abes...hahaha..itula
kesahnyer FLYING WITHOUT WINGS.....hehehe
ni nak cite lak kesah sbg DUTA PBAKL 2010...nak kate bes 2 xad la kenangan la..hehehe...kalo
nak tgok gambo tgok la kat page....saje nak nyemak2...ak bkn nk cite sal keje nih tp nak cite sal mereke y
ak knal n g bookfair nih..y ak smpt jmpe la...mule skali...ari fes keje...ak jumpe ngan ustaz husnin ngan anak
dy mohd ali..ak tekujaat la gak...da la ustaz an..huhu....riso2...ak pon wat slambe je..tego la
ustaz..hehe...pastu.mereke2 y datang bookfair sepeti anan eton sue pdot ngan dak2 smap..hehehe...anan
datang due kali..y fes tu skali ngan eton ngan sue...kitorg g mkn kt the mall..kat macd...y second anan datang
ngan abg dy...tyme uh ramai gile org...xsmpat nak join anan...sue lak dtg 3 kali...fes y skali ngan
anan..second ngan akak ngan abg ipa dy..third dy dtg sorg2..bagos sue..da majoo..hehehe...pdot lak datang
skjap je..ari ap ak tyme uh ad perasmian buku kanak2...rosmah rasmikan.ak soh dy dtg join
perasmian..hehehe...pastu sblom dy blek smpat la jumpe dy jap...lg satuuu..on da same da sue dtg ngan akk
dy uh...jumpe lg ustaz husnin..ngan wife dy skali kot..ak pn xkompom...kirenyer due kali ak jumpe ustaz
husnin...tcop pon dtg gak...kompom la...ak dok umah dy..hehehe...pastu ari last lak ad la trip skola
smap..hehehe...rsenyer sume fom 6..jumpe la w.najdi n da geng..mereke kirim salam kat ak pule...ces...ak
bkn knal sgt dorg..huhuhu...y len mayb ad gak y xsempat nak jumpe...ainajiha datang gak..dy datang
ngan kak aniah..huhuhu.. lagi...wanie tlan ngan zuliana pon dtg gak bookfair..jmpe dorg kat
TR2...seberang sungai...hehehe..tekejot gak tgok dorg..huhuhu..dr jaoh uh....ok2....da la...byk cite sal
bookfair sbnrnyer...y sdey..y gembire...y menyaketkan ati...GOSIP pon ader...hehehe...mayb ad y taw n ad
y xtaw...xpe2...y xtaw bole tnye kpde y taw..hehehe...haahaha..okey2...saye memberi laluan pade org len
tok blogging pule...heehehe
Posted by reramai at 3:59 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
hehehe....tjok tu bunyi cam aper jer aq ngok tv3 WHI...cter sal santau, aq suke tol bnde2 sal mistik nie..hehhe....tbe2, aq dpt ilham nk cter sal aper kat blog nk cter sal pnglman kat smap time aq n mmber2 ku still form 1......
senior : klo ader org bg slam jer tbe2...jgn jwb..
junior : tapi sis, klo tu warden nk cek dorm ker???
senior : ish awak nie...bkn la..awak x dngr cter ker...klo tbe2 ader org kc slam, pstu klo awak jwb,t stu asrma nie kner pukau....
junior : takot~~~
hahha...nie la antre 'tazkirah' y snior aq pnah gtaw dlu be4 nk tdow...actually, time tu..satu aspuri bleh dkatekn dlm keadaan tkot..n aq rase time tu warden cam x brape aktif..( bru aq prasan, time aq f1 aq x pnah rase khadiran warden kat asrma)....kecoh stu aspuri knn nyer ADER KEHADIRAN ORANG MINYAK...meh aq cter sal bnde nie...hehhehe....ader mcm2 crite muncol time x taw la ksahihan crite2 ini..
cerite 1 : ader senior nmpk..ader chye dr pkok kat tepi blok c tu..mcm chye touchlight...ader org kate..mlm2...ader org minyak dok mnyk nie dorng klo nk test power, dorng kner test kat anak dare...sbb tu la aspuri y kner kcaw bkn nyer la crite la blk kat sni..n bdasarkn sumber..ader yang menyatakn bahwa hutan kat blkang blok c tu la, tmpt org minyk tu menelaah...org2 minyk nier....dorng be4 nk wat projek drng kner la plan, ader mulot y mnyatakn dorng ''skodeng'' dlu aspuri..n tok maklumn..time zmn nie..blkng aspuri pnoh ngan hutan...n pokok tmpt drng dok tu..klo korng pnjt..korng leh tros ker bumbung blok c..punyer la beso pokok tu..n pokok tu agak pnah dngr slaloo nmpk ''mcm2'' kat situ...( aq x branie nk descrbe bnde tu..huhu)
cerite 2 : crite y second nie knn nyer blaku kat blok c...( blok c mmg misteri..hehehe )...ader stu arie, ader senior y ngah stay up...pastu dye dengar..."tok...tok...tok...assalamualaikum..'' ( suare garau)....bunyi tu dtg dri arah bumbung..knn nyer..ader org minyk kat ats tu..klo senior tu jwb salam tu...satu aspuri kner pukau...btol ker????x taw time tu dh hanyut dbuai mimpi..hehehhee
cerite 3 : tmpat-dorm balqis....time nier aq smesti nyer dh dbuai mimpi agi..hehehe....mcm bese, biler dh lewat2 sume dh tdow...ader la, makhlok2 kat dorm nie y msih x tdow just ader 2 org jer la.,.mnrut sumber2 y x braper leh dpercayai...mse 2 org nie ngah sbok2 bergossip,,tbe2 dorng dngr org jatuh...dr bumbung smpaila ker bwah...pastu bunyi bnde tu bergolek2....dorng usha2 kat tngkap..x der paper...knn minyk tu jtoh (hahhaa...tu la..bnyk sngt pkai dh lcin..hahahha)...skali lagi aq x taw kesahihan crite nier....
cerite 4: tmpat-blok c agi..hehehe...knn nyer..kat kwsn atap bmbung blok c nir...tmpat ''org'' tu klakar lak x taw r..knn nyer...dorng dok kat situ..nk skodeng dak x taw la..btol ker org minyk ...hmm......knn nyer...ader la ksan2 org dok kat situ...ish...klo btol..mmg la tkot...huhuu....bile2 mse jer leh rase cam x btol..coz smpai arnie...x der saper y mngesahkn bnde tu...n ader gak org crite..knn nyer...pnah sroh senior laki gi skodeng kat aq x taw aper result dye...
waah...ikot kn..mcm2 crite2 y aq ingt2 luper lak...time nier..nk kate aq tkot x la x braper cayer bnde2 ngaroot y mnakotkn rase senior time tu cam pnakot jer..tmbah2 kn crite jer lbeh...
setiap kali be4 nk tdow ....ktrng stiap dorm kner la wat pndingding...n...mlm tu..bleh dkatekn dantare mlm kmuncak..mlm tu..senior f5 laki...jage aspuri...kmner2 nk gi..msti ader laki...byngkn la..aspuri y dpenuhi lelaki y sdng blegar dmane2...kat toilet ader...kat floor ader..kat blik iron ader..kat tngge ader..kat tepi pintu ader..kat gelanggag basketball pon ader..sng crite2..dlm sjrah la aq rase...plajar lelaki suke rela tok bjln2 daspuri...n...mlm tu..seyes aq ngantok x taw lak knper..asal nmpk katil kompom nk dsbbkn time zmn nie aq x leh nk escape..klo tak..kompom aq dh syahid awal2...hahhahaha....pastu...kat stiap pnjuru blik ader la senior2 y ngah iqamat..ktrng kat tngah2 dorm nie..wat la halqah..mmbace ayat2 suci...kat luar pon aq ader dngr senior laki ngah wat pndindng kat luar...pastu..tbe2.....
ORANG MINYAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dsbbkn aq ngantok giller time agak mamai r..y aq senior y trik n plok aq..tkot aq ''kner'' ngan ''org'' tu..kuat giler r time tu...ader senior aq y jerit seyes kuat giller....satu asrma tprnjat...senior2 laki y jage kat gelanggang basketball sume lari litang pukang..tkot..lps dngr dorm aq y aq nmpk kat lubang y ''org'' tu nmpk....SEBATANG KAKI MEMAKAI SELUAR MERAH N SELIPER..SELIPER???ORG MINYH PON PKAI SELIPER KER??
kecoh tol aspuri time tu...hahahha..ruper2 nyer,.ader senior laki y ngah cek kat kwsan atap tu...hahhaha...klakat tol..hahhaha....lps jer kjadian tu..aspuri kmbali pon x taw aper dh tjadi ngan org2 minyk tu...hahahhaha...smpai saat nier..kes nier mnjadi satu misteri y x terungkai~~
Posted by reramai at 1:12 PM 0 comments
left to right:
Sung Min
Eun Hyuk
Kyu Hyun
Ye Sung
Shin Dong
Bottom Picture:
Wall left to right:
Hee Chul
Dong Hae
Si Won
Sitting in chair: Ryeo Wook
Sitting on table: Leader Leeteuk